20th April 2018

ETZ scalable recruitment technology benefits agencies small and large


Software market favoured larger companies

ETZ is great for recruitment agencies of any size, but the software market wasn’t always like that. Historically, larger businesses were able to leverage technology more than smaller businesses. The conventional approach of installing software on-premise and buying it as a boxed product with physical disks and instruction manuals all added to the hefty cost of server and client applications and licensing.
This was highly inefficient and created a significant IT management overhead for software users, further increasing the Total Cost of Ownership equation. It was also highly lucrative for software vendors.
In short, software required significant investment and the costs were sometimes prohibitive, handicapping small businesses. Larger businesses not only enjoyed greater economy of scale but were also better able to invest in technological advantage.

Enter the cloud…

However, the advent of cloud-based software has had a democratising effect. The model of delivering business software from the cloud has swept away inefficiency and excessive cost. Instead of buying and being lumbered with all the downside that goes with ownership, companies now ‘rent’ software.
Businesses no longer need deep pockets to obtain specialist software applications that enable them to run their operations and enable greater productivity.
The on-premise software model pre-dates our formation and we have never been in the business of selling boxed product software and heaping unnecessary costs onto our clients. ETZ is tech that delivers value to recruitment businesses of all sizes.

Back office tech that’s great for agencies of all sizes

ETZ is a hub technology that brings your favourite accounting and payroll applications into a single platform and adds a host of functionality that is dedicated to meeting the specialised needs of the recruitment industry.
Replacing paper-based processes with automation and setting up a digital workflow in the cloud with ETZ reduces the costs of timesheet processing by up to 85%.
Whether you’re starting up a new agency or reviewing the technology in an existing recruitment business to improve efficiency come and talk to us.
For more on cloud recruitment software take a look at our free guide ‘The ‘truth’ about SaaS for recruiters’.

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