
Recruitment, Tech

7 smart ways to keep your agency relevant as technology leads the market7 smart ways to keep your agency relevant as technology leads the market

3rd July 2023

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s important for recruitment agencies to adapt. Discover 7 smart ways to keep your recruitment agency relevant as technology leads the market.

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Has AI knocked automation off the top perch in RecTech development?Has AI knocked automation off the top perch in RecTech development?

5th May 2023

Automation has been the poster child for the success of RecTech. Our blog examines this trend and the growing enthusiasm for AI RecTech, questioning whether software automation is being left behind.

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Recruitment, Tech

Do job seekers trust AI recruitment?Do job seekers trust AI recruitment?

28th April 2023

RecTech that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) may well be here to stay. But there is still much to be done for RecTech providers and the recruitment industry to win trust in the technology. In our blog, we look at the opinions of job seekers on AI in recruitment, as well as those of workers where AI is deployed in their workplaces.

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Will we need fewer human recruiters because of AI RecTech?Will we need fewer human recruiters because of AI RecTech?

24th February 2023

The likely effect of AI technologies on the world of work has been predicted for several years. Now it seems that the recruitment industry is experiencing the impact first-hand!
We look at what AI-powered RecTech technologies, which are becoming increasingly capable, may mean for recruiters.

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Can AI robots conduct interviews better than YOU?Can AI robots conduct interviews better than YOU?

20th February 2023

The prospect of technology taking manual jobs from humans has been on the cards for some time. But should it now be of concern to knowledge workers, including recruiters? Our blog looks at what the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence powered text and speech recognition means for recruiters.

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As AI becomes more influential in RecTech, make sure ETZ is part of your software stackAs AI becomes more influential in RecTech, make sure ETZ is part of your software stack

6th February 2023

Speech and text recognition technologies are nothing new, but today’s advanced chatbots offer the opportunity for significant efficiency gains in agency search and selection processes. In our blog we look at the interest in Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing (AI NLP) and how it is likely to impact agency search and selection.

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AI and NLP herald the dawn of a brave new world of RecTechAI and NLP herald the dawn of a brave new world of RecTech

29th January 2023

Whether we like it or not, technology moves forward. For businesses, the question is whether to go with it or to risk getting left behind. Our blog looks at the rapidly developing field of AI and how it is influencing the development of RecTech solutions.

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The impact of advanced AI tools on recruitmentThe impact of advanced AI tools on recruitment

16th January 2023

The latest technology is often sold as ‘better’. However, just because a tech product or capability is sold as ‘new and improved’ doesn’t necessarily mean it is without drawbacks. In our blog we look at ChatGPT, and the impact that this class of software may have on the recruitment sector.

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Recruiting for the metaverse… and anything else where innovation is driving change!Recruiting for the metaverse… and anything else where innovation is driving change!

7th February 2022

Fast growth or emerging areas of practice are likely to pose challenges for recruitment businesses. Is your agency ready to recruit for new roles in fast growth and emerging areas?

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Take the time out of timesheets and pain out of payments

ETZ has been highly receptive to my queries, especially my recent feedback. It's great to see them taking action by developing a custom draft contract template that can be sent through the portal. This improvement...
Poetrie Salim, Finance Manage CircuIT Recruitment
"Working with ETZ for the last three years and ongoing has been an amazing experience. ETZ has made timesheet management and invoicing so much simpler for our business, with its user-friendly interface and seamless integration...
Mansha Barar 7R Talent
“ETZ has made it frictionless to manage our contractors across our all of our brands, both international and local"
Lizziey Wright Kernel

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