

Improving agency efficiency: Integrating expense management with timesheetsImproving agency efficiency: Integrating expense management with timesheets

20th March 2023

Before we get into the sophisticated world of AI-powered RecTech, it may just be worth asking: “Are we getting the basics right?” Our blog looks at the benefits of integrating timesheets with expense management in the agency’s back office.

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Speed up your Timesheet Processing with these 5 quick tipsSpeed up your Timesheet Processing with these 5 quick tips

2nd January 2023

Missing or illegible timesheet information are just some of the process steps that create hassle and slow down your timesheet process. Read on to discover five ways you can reduce drag and accelerate timesheet processing.

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A really good way of wasting money in your recruitment agency!A really good way of wasting money in your recruitment agency!

17th August 2020

Identifying and quantifying the waste of cash Despite the ready availability of technology for the recruitment industry, some agencies are...

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7 reasons why the coronavirus pandemic suggests the time is up for manual timesheets7 reasons why the coronavirus pandemic suggests the time is up for manual timesheets

29th April 2020

Still using paper timesheets? The coronavirus pandemic means you should seriously consider an online timesheet solution. Digital transformation doesn’t have...

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5 tell tale signs it’s time to invest in back office software5 tell tale signs it’s time to invest in back office software

8th December 2017

There are some tell tale signs that systems and processes are not up to scratch. It might be time to...

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The strange case of disappearing timesheet fraud and increased efficiency in the recruitment back office!The strange case of disappearing timesheet fraud and increased efficiency in the recruitment back office!

31st October 2017

Payroll and timesheets a part of the UK’s fraud mountain Across the UK, fraud is costing us dear with £144...

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Take the time out of timesheets and pain out of payments

"Working with ETZ for the last three years and ongoing has been an amazing experience. ETZ has made timesheet management and invoicing so much simpler for our business, with its user-friendly interface and seamless integration...
Mansha Barar 7R Talent
“ETZ helps save a lot of admin time, and it enables me to focus on my other responsibilities. The time saved allows more focus on the tasks that help generate revenue. Frankly, I couldn’t recommend...
Jag Manku Venari
“ETZ helps us to deliver the high standard of service we pride ourselves on by effectively linking all our key business areas together, from documentation compliance and timesheet management, to invoicing and payment processing.”
Andrew Papadopoulos Cognitive Group

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